TEAM ACTIVITY Team activity plan collection 各位亲:时光冉冉,岁月如梭,2021年已经过半。为丰富团队生活,增进同事感情。特向大家征集团建活动方案,本次活动征集采取无记名提交方式,望积极参与。(如吃饭、K歌、桌游等等,方便实现执行的活动,可提交具体活动链接)提交日期:2021年7月9—2021年7月12日 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.活动方案参考链接如有附件上传(压缩包)10MB以内rar/zip格式压缩文件提交 Magelei is a professional OEM factory with mass customization capability, with 10 years of experience. Leolei, the founder of magelei, is from the R & D Department of Panasonic China and he is very strict in product quality inspection. Magelei is a certified supplier of Alibaba. There are three stores in In 2020, Affected by covid-19, Many Chinese factories closed,Magelei has established a complete supply chain system.