TEAM WISDOM 2021 The brain storming of new product development 各位亲:2021年群策群力活动已开启,为更好的适应和开拓市场,公司就新产品研发广泛征集建议及方案。范围包括:1、公司现有产品的改进建议(功能或外观等)。2、市场热销与公司关联性较强的产品建议。3、符合市场预期的原创性产品方案(带芯片或无芯片)。一经采纳投入生产,将予以全平台流量扶持助推,打造专属爆品(备注:提交产品方案数量不限)。提交日期:2021年4月14—2021年4月23日 建议及方案 请在浏览器中启用JavaScript来完成此表单。姓名 *说明 *参考网址附件上传10MB以内rar/zip格式压缩文件提交 Magelei is a professional OEM factory with mass customization capability, with 10 years of experience. Leolei, the founder of magelei, is from the R & D Department of Panasonic China and he is very strict in product quality inspection. Magelei is a certified supplier of Alibaba. There are three stores in In 2020, Affected by covid-19, Many Chinese factories closed,Magelei has established a complete supply chain system.